Talking PAIRINOLOGY 101 with Trainer Susan Simpson

We sat down with PAIRINOLOGY 101 trainer Susan Simpson to take a closer look at her experience as well as the course structure and material. She gave us some great insights into who the course is designed for and how the content can be used to impact others.

Question: Tell me about your background as a coach and with PAIRIN’s technology.

I came to coaching via Industrial Engineering, which was all about how to effectively integrate processes. After working in various corporate contexts and roles, I opted for a season of nonprofit work, during which time my passion shifted from process to people-integration.

I was invited by the Russian Ministry of Education to be a business & educational trainer/consultant. The initial one-year commitment extended for 13 years and into other roles. During this time, I came to specialize in the interpersonal development of future psychologists, counselors and similar professionals. In 2009, I returned to the States and completed my professional coach certification training through Coach U, joined the International Coaching Federation (ICF), and began working as an executive coach.

All in all, I have engaged in 10,000+ hours of comprehensive research and content creation in the field of social-emotional development. Merging theory and practice, I’ve also written over 175,000 words of content for the PAIRIN system, including professional readiness skills insights, and action tips for teachers, coaches and students.

I am passionate about PAIRIN because in addition to one human heart interfacing with another, I believe this is the best tool in existence for helping people to develop.

Question: Why did PAIRIN decide to create the PAIRINOLOGY 101 course?

At PAIRIN, we want to unleash our technology to coaches and people-developers of all sorts. While those who can navigate the tip of the PAIRIN system “iceberg” already say they find it incredibly powerful, this course is designed to teach people all that is below the surface! PAIRINOLOGY 101 provides a deep understanding of the tool, equipping coaches and mentors with a more meaningful way to impact the individuals they work alongside.

Question: What will attendees gain? from this course?

Confidence and expertise in how to really coach people! Attendees can expect to really grasp the PAIRIN Readiness Management System including in-depth knowledge of the attributes being measured, the measurement itself, and the development and use of targets, charts and custom reporting. They will know how to do an initial and ongoing individual debrief — affirming strengths and exploring areas for development.

Question: Who should take this course?

People who are already using PAIRIN’s system or just getting started. For those not familiar with the technology, we provide a PAIRIN overview and a tutorial to familiarize you with how to navigate the dashboard. We do require that individuals taking this course are qualified in coaching or a related discipline (e.g., counseling, education, human resources, social work, etc.).

If you are not yet a certified coach or counselor, we also do offer a basic coaching course called The Coaching Pathway to strengthen your coaching skills. This is a super introductory course, and is a qualifying pre-course to PAIRINOLOGY 101.

Question: What makes PAIRIN’s technology unique?

PAIRIN measures, maps and develops changeable soft skills (like initiative, critical thinking and emotional intelligence), to help people get from where they are to where they want to be.

It is immensely powerful, measuring 105 attributes in around 15 minutes.

Unlike personality assessments that put people in a box, PAIRIN focuses on skills that can be developed. And development is made all the more possible through self-awareness, commitment, and your expertise as a coach.

Find out more about upcoming PAIRINOLOGY 101 training dates and sign up today here: