Director of I/O Psychology
Dan has a couple of “unofficial” job descriptions given by executives he's worked with that describe him: “Organizational Smokejumper” and “Gibberish Translator.” He's been involved in startup consultant agencies and Fortune 500 businesses creating success by being a flexible, creative, problem-solving leader and translating the mystical jargon of data science and research methodology. His consulting and collaboration philosophy is to become the trusted advisor of those around him so everyone can benefit from his diverse set of experiences.
Why PAIRIN? I/O psychologists walk the line between making organizations successful and advocating for the individual people who make up organizations. So, my passion for always keeping the individual in mind with everything I do aligns so well with PAIRIN's values, especially that of valuing the whole person.
Who/ What has been your greatest teacher? - My grandfather. He was always one of the most creative and thoughtful people I've ever known, finding joy in the simplest of things and solving the most difficult problems with the most unexpected tools. He's been my inspiration in everything I do.
Things you love: Cooking, tough statistics problems, building and drinking craft cocktails, brewing my own beer, and recently the Irish countryside. The smell of burning peat is a wonderful thing early in the morning and late at night.