“Go Little, or Go Home!” Give up your gut and start leveraging “little data” for hiring

At 25 years old, six months into my first time of leading a company, my mentor asked me why I was so stressed. I said, “We are doing a good job of understanding our customers and competition, and we’re providing good service. If I didn’t have staff problems, I would have very few problems at all.” More than two decades later, after 10 years of coaching executives in four countries, and now as the CEO of a software company that engages with executives around the world, it seems to me that 25-year-old leaders aren’t the only ones that share this sentiment.

Hiring is a really big deal for you, right?  You’ve got recruiting teams working day and night, applicant testing tools, interview protocols, software systems out the you-know-what, and processes for your processes.

View entire posting on the CEO Magazine here