Author: Ethan Galowitz

Ethan graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a BBA in Management. He has a passion for understanding what makes teams succeed and spent four years testing and developing his theories as a leader of the UT Lacrosse Program. As a Product Manager at PAIRIN, Ethan focuses on improving the career exploration process by combining technology and psychometrics to help us understand how we fit in the workforce.
Office Workers Discuss Diagrams
How to Hire an Apprentice the Right Way
How it all began Last year, PAIRIN was approached by one of our partners, CareerWise, to participate in their apprenticeship program. Because we know how impactful the ...
A Language All Cultures Speak: Ice Cream
(The Mount of Olives, Jerusalem)I recently returned from a week-long trip to Israel. I had heard so much about conflicts in the region, yet found it difficult to come ...