Be a Part of Identifying the Skills Required for Colorado’s Top Jobs

The 2016 Talent Pipeline report cited data from employer surveys regarding the skills required and desired in new hires for Colorado hot jobs. Over 80% of those skills were not hard skills related to the job tasks, but rather, the soft skills essential to thriving in the workplace and meeting employers’ expectations for performance and attitude. As the Colorado talent pipeline crisis forces businesses to increasingly recruit outside of their traditional talent pool, understanding more about these skills in different career contexts is critical to effectively hire and develop staff.

The Colorado Workforce Development Council (CWDC) has partnered with PAIRIN to provide a scientific basis for measuring the proficiency of Colorado-located top performers currently working in these positions. PAIRIN is a Colorado-based company and we are a nationally recognized leader in soft skills measurement and development. Together with the CWDC, we have co-launched a project to (1) map the soft skills of top performers in every Colorado Top Job, (2) help businesses select applicants based on their ability to perform, and (3) inform the efforts of the programs preparing our future workforce.

Review Target Jobs List

We are seeking top performer submissions for a targeted list of Colorado hot jobs. Before submitting, please review this list.

Submit Top Performers

Ready to participate? Fill out this quick Google Form with the information for your top performers.

Participating Businesses will Receive:

  • Access to recommended language to use in job descriptions based on skills data output.
  • Comparative data to see how top performers at your company compare to aggregate scores of people in the sale role(s) at other companies.
  • Exclusive early access to report data and results.
  • One year, no obligation, free access for one user to PAIRIN, the applicant selection system used by hiring managers nationwide that will be leveraged to create the top performer profiles. You will also get a free, live, online data debrief for your hiring managers and/or HR professionals.
  • PAIRIN, a TalentFOUND charter affiliate, will provide each participating organization the top performer profile target(s) they helped create and set up all free accounts.