Sales & Operations Manager
Erin has a diverse background in EdTech, university education, and continuing adult education. With more than 10 years in the field, she has had the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of learners and educators alike, and she is deeply passionate about ensuring the accessibility of life changing education and training regardless of social or financial capital.
I chose PAIRIN because I am passionate about social and economic mobility, and I believe that this company shares my values and is making a positive impact in the world. I also appreciate the opportunity to work with a team of talented and like-minded individuals who are committed to making a difference.
Who/what has been your greatest teacher?
My time studying abroad was my greatest teacher. During my undergraduate degree, I studied in Jordan, where I was plunged into a culture and language I had only previously read about. It taught me adaptability, empathy and self-reliance in a way that truly defined my launch into adulthood.
Things you love: Baking, travelling, fancy dinners, mixing cocktails, my two dogs, and playing Dungeons & Dragons every week.